Most Frequently Asked Power Mac G3 Q&As:

How do you upgrade the RAM in the Power Mac G3 models? How much RAM of what type does the Power Mac G3 actually support?

What type of Ethernet is standard in the Power Mac G3 models? Are Gigabit Ethernet upgrade options available?

How do you replace or upgrade the hard drive in the Power Mac G3 models? Do these models support "big drives"?

What graphics capabilities are provided by the Power Mac G3? Which have DB-15 and which have VGA ports? What is the maximum supported resolution on a primary and secondary display?

Is there any way to add AirPort to a Power Mac G3 model?

How can you visually differentiate between a Revision 1 and Revision 2 "Blue & White" Power Mac G3 model?

How do you upgrade the processor in the Power Mac G3 models? How are the Power Mac G3 processors mounted?

What versions of the MacOS do the Power Mac G3 models support? Can they all boot MacOS 9? What is the maximum supported version of MacOS X?

How do you replace or upgrade the optical drive in the Power Mac G3 models? What are the capabilities of the default optical drives? Can these Macs support DVD-R?

How many PCI slots of what type and speed does each Power Mac G3 have?

Was the iMac keyboard and mouse really standard with the "Blue & White" Power Mac G3 models?

For all Power Mac G3 Q&As, check out the Power Mac G3 Q&A (Home). For other systems, visit the Q&A section.