Most Frequently Asked Apple Silicon Mac Pro Q&As:

What are all the differences between the Mac Pro "M2 Ultra" (2023) models? Which is best for me?

What type of internal storage does the Apple Silicon Mac Pro use? Is it possible to upgrade it? Is it possible to add more internal storage?

What are all the differences between the Mac Pro "M2 Ultra" (2023) models and the Mac Pro (2019) models replaced?

How fast are the Mac Pro "M2 Ultra" (2023) models compared to the Mac Studio and the previous Mac Pro models?

Does the Apple Silicon Mac Pro provide PCIe slots? What type of upgrades are supported?

What are the main differences between the Mac Pro and Mac Studio? Which makes the most sense for my needs?

What type of RAM does the Apple Silicon Mac Pro use? Can it be upgraded?

What are the "pros and cons" of the Apple Silicon Mac Pro? Is it for me?

What version of macOS is pre-installed on the Apple Silicon Mac Pro?

Does the Apple Silicon Mac Pro support third-party video cards? Does it support eGPUs?

For all Apple Silicon Mac Pro Q&As (2023; M2 Ultra), check out the Apple Silicon Mac Pro Q&A (Home). For other systems, visit the Q&A section.